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Mayor Adams Takes a Stand Against Illegal Marijuana, Destroys Four Tons of Seized Products

New York City Mayor Eric Adams Takes a Stand Against Illegal Marijuana Shops

In a bold move to combat the city’s illegal marijuana trade, Mayor Eric Adams personally destroyed four tons of seized illegal pot products at a Westbury, Long Island waste disposal plant. The mayor, accompanied by city officials, used a crane to carefully dump the illegal weed into a furnace, ensuring it wouldn’t end up in landfills or on city streets.

The city has made significant progress in closing down illegal marijuana shops, with over 1,000 of the estimated 4,000 illegal stores shut down. However, the fight is far from over, and Adams warned of the dangers of purchasing weed from unlicensed shops, citing the risk of laced and dangerous products.

During the event, officials showcased bags of marijuana buds and other products designed to appeal to younger customers, including pot products masquerading as popular cereals, snacks, and candies. Adams emphasized the importance of burning the seized pot to prevent it from contaminating landfills and potentially harming the environment.

The city still has 200,000 pounds of illegal pot that needs to be destroyed, but officials are limited in their ability to do so due to legal procedures tied to some of the seizures. Despite this, Adams remains committed to cracking down on illegal marijuana shops and ensuring the safety of New Yorkers.