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Morocco’s King Pardons Thousands of Cannabis Farmers to Boost Legal Industry

Morocco’s King Grants Pardon to Over 4,800 Cannabis Farmers

In a move aimed at promoting the country’s legal cannabis industry, Morocco’s King Mohammed VI has pardoned more than 4,800 farmers accused of illegally growing cannabis. The announcement was made by the justice ministry on Monday, ahead of a national holiday on Tuesday.

According to the ministry, the king has granted pardon to 4,831 individuals who were convicted, prosecuted, or wanted in cases related to cannabis cultivation. The pardon is seen as a step towards integrating these individuals into the country’s new strategy for legal cannabis production.

Morocco has been the world’s leading cannabis producer for years, and in 2021, the country adopted a law allowing for the cultivation of cannabis in rural provinces in the northeastern Rif region. The legal cannabis industry is expected to provide a living for between 80,000 and 120,000 families in the region.

The country has set up a special agency, ANRAC, to oversee the legal cultivation and export of cannabis for medical, pharmaceutical, and industrial purposes. The agency has already issued over 200 permits for processing cannabis, importing seeds, and exporting products.

The pardon is seen as a move to allow those involved in the illegal cannabis trade to transition to the legal industry, which is expected to bring in significant revenue for the country. Morocco is positioning itself as a major player in the global legal cannabis market, which is expected to continue to grow in the coming years.