
Ohio’s Recreational Marijuana Sales Ignite, With Over 1,000 Customers Per Day

Ohio’s Recreational Marijuana Sales Soar in First Week

Just one week after the first legal recreational marijuana sale in Ohio, dispensary operators are reporting a surge in sales. According to Jason Erkes of Cresco Labs, which operates the Sunnyside dispensary in Cincinnati, the response has been overwhelming. Despite a 48-hour ramp-up period and minimal advertising, the store has seen over 1,000 customers per day, making it one of the busiest in the country.

The Sunnyside dispensary in Cincinnati had a line around the building when it opened last Tuesday, and operators are expecting this level of demand to continue. “We’re seeing tremendous numbers and it’s really put Ohio on par with any other adult-use conversion in the country,” Erkes said.

Ethos, a dispensary in Lebanon that already sold medical marijuana, opened for recreational sales just four days ago and is also seeing an increase in sales. “We’re already seeing an increase in sales, more customers coming in, and a lot of adult-use customers reaching out to ask questions about the program,” said Julie Power, Ethos’ vice president of retail.

Power expects the demand to continue, and the dispensary has been preparing to meet the surge in demand. The state has yet to release overall numbers on sales and tax revenues during the first week, but operators are optimistic about the future of Ohio’s recreational marijuana market.