Biden-Harris Administration’s Desperate Attempt to Loosen Marijuana Restrictions Undermines Rule of Law

Biden-Harris Make Desperate Marijuana Move, as Rule of Law Goes to Pot

As the election draws near, the Biden-Harris administration is attempting to score political points by loosening federal restrictions on marijuana. However, this move is not based on science or legal standards, but rather a cynical attempt to placate their political base.

Federal law, as outlined in the Controlled Substances Act of 1970, requires the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to classify drugs according to a five-tier scheduling system. Schedule I drugs, such as marijuana, are those that have no currently accepted medical use and present a high potential for abuse and dependence.

Despite previous attempts to reschedule marijuana, the DEA has consistently maintained that it meets the criteria for Schedule I drugs. However, the Biden-Harris administration is attempting to bypass the DEA and reschedule marijuana through the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

The HHS has recommended rescheduling marijuana, citing a lack of accepted medical use in the United States. However, this is a flawed argument, as the FDA has approved several synthetic compounds derived from marijuana for medical use. Moreover, the FDA has not approved cannabis itself or any other marijuana compound for medical use.

Furthermore, marijuana has been linked to a range of negative health effects, including addiction, psychosis, and hallucinations. It is also a gateway drug, with most people who use harder drugs starting with marijuana.

The Biden-Harris administration’s move to reschedule marijuana is not only illegal but also irresponsible. It will allow the marijuana industry to deduct expenses as business expenses, essentially subsidizing the industry with taxpayer dollars. It will also give government sanction to the industry’s campaign to downplay marijuana’s addictive potential and health risks.

Moreover, this move will further erode the rule of law, as the administration is ignoring legal standards and scientific evidence in its rush to loosen restrictions on marijuana. This is a dangerous precedent, as it sets a bad example for other industries and could lead to a lack of accountability and oversight.

In conclusion, the Biden-Harris administration’s move to reschedule marijuana is a desperate attempt to score political points and is not based on science or legal standards. It is a threat to the rule of law and will have negative consequences for public health and safety.