Biden-Harris Administration’s Desperate Bid to Loosen Marijuana Laws, Ignoring Science and the Rule of Law

The Biden-Harris Administration’s Desperate Attempt to Loosen Marijuana Laws

As the election approaches, the Biden-Harris administration is resorting to desperate measures to score political points. Their latest attempt is to loosen federal restrictions on marijuana, despite the lack of scientific evidence to support this move. The administration is bypassing established standards and ignoring legal and scientific evidence to achieve its partisan objective.

The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 requires the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to classify drugs according to a five-tier scheduling system. Schedule I drugs, such as marijuana, have no currently accepted medical use and present a high potential for abuse and dependence. The DEA has consistently maintained that marijuana meets these criteria, and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has previously concluded that the drug has no accepted medical use in the United States.

Despite this, the Biden-Harris administration is pushing to reschedule marijuana, citing the fact that some states have legalized its use for medical purposes. However, this argument is fallacious, as the availability of drugs for medical use is not based on their political popularity but on the FDA’s decision, based on rigorous scientific study, that the drug is safe, effective, and uniformly made.

The administration’s move is not only a disregard for the rule of law but also a threat to the health and safety of the American people. Marijuana is highly addictive, with one-third of people who use it in the past year meeting the criteria for addiction, and half of daily users becoming dependent on the drug. It also has wide-ranging negative effects on mental and physical health, including increased risks of psychosis, suicidal ideation, and hallucinations or paranoia.

Furthermore, the administration’s move would allow the marijuana industry to deduct their expenses as business expenses, essentially subsidizing the industry with taxpayer money. This would give government sanction to the industry’s campaign to downplay marijuana’s addictive potential and health risks, allowing weed peddlers to cultivate broad-based dependence on the drug and expand their pool of repeat customers.

The administration’s actions are a prime example of authoritarianism, where politicians ignore legal standards and scientific evidence to push their ideologies. The rule of law is meant to protect American citizens, especially children, from dangerous substances. By ignoring these standards, the administration is playing fast and loose with the health and safety of the American people.

In conclusion, the Biden-Harris administration’s attempt to loosen marijuana laws is a desperate move to score political points, ignoring legal standards and scientific evidence. It is a threat to the health and safety of