
CBD May Intensify THC’s Effects, Study Suggests

New Study Suggests CBD May Intensify THC’s Effects, Contrary to Conventional Wisdom

A recent study published in the journal Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics has found that CBD may actually increase the effects of THC, contrary to the widely-held belief that CBD can help reduce the intensity of a marijuana high. The study, which involved 37 healthy volunteers, found that a high dose of CBD (450mg) combined with a smaller dose of THC (9mg) significantly increased the subjective, psychomotor, cognitive, and autonomous effects of THC.

The researchers, from the Netherlands and the US, had initially hypothesized that CBD would reduce the adverse effects of THC. However, their findings suggest that CBD may actually enhance the effects of THC, potentially making the experience of a marijuana high more intense.

The study’s authors noted that smaller doses of CBD (10mg and 30mg) did not have the same effect, suggesting that the increased effects of THC may be dose-dependent. They also found that the addition of CBD did not produce any additional pain-relieving effects, contrary to the researchers’ initial hypothesis.

The findings of this study add to a growing body of research suggesting that the effects of cannabinoids can be complex and dependent on a variety of factors, including the specific compounds involved and the individual’s response to them.

In related news, a recent survey by Gallup found that 17% of Americans report smoking marijuana, compared to 12% who report smoking cigarettes. Young adults are particularly likely to use marijuana, with 26% of those aged 18-34 reporting use in the past week.

The survey also found that support for marijuana legalization has reached a record high, with 70% of Americans expressing approval of the policy change.