Florida Voters to Decide on Recreational Marijuana Legalization on November Ballot

Florida Residents to Vote on Recreational Marijuana Legalization

On November 5, Florida residents will not only be casting their ballots for president, but also deciding whether to legalize recreational marijuana. Amendment 3, which will be on the ballot, aims to make it legal for adults aged 21 and older to possess, purchase, and use marijuana products for non-medical personal consumption.

Under the proposed amendment, individuals would be allowed to possess up to three ounces of marijuana and up to five grams of concentrate. The state would also issue more licenses and establish regulatory standards for the use of cannabis. The Florida Legislature would need to provide a framework for these standards, as well as determine the time, place, and manner in which marijuana can be used.

A “yes” vote on Amendment 3 would support the legalization of marijuana for adult use, while a “no” vote would oppose it. If the amendment passes, it would take effect six months later.

Currently, medical marijuana is legal in Florida for individuals with certain conditions who have obtained a medical marijuana ID card. However, recreational use is illegal. Some local jurisdictions have decriminalized minor cannabis possession offenses, but the sale or possession of more than 20 grams of marijuana is a misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in prison and a $5,000 fine.

To pass, Amendment 3 requires at least 60 percent of voters to cast a “yes” vote. If it is approved, it could pave the way for existing medical marijuana treatment centers to sell marijuana to adults for personal use, as well as allow others to cultivate and sell marijuana products. The amendment could also raise questions about expungement and growing marijuana at home.

Florida residents will have the opportunity to make their voices heard on this issue when they head to the polls on November 5.