
Trump’s Shift on Marijuana: Former President Expresses Support for Rescheduling and Banking Access

Former President Donald Trump has expressed support for federally rescheduling marijuana and granting banking access to cannabis businesses. In a post on his social media platform, Truth Social, Trump stated that he will continue to focus on research to unlock the medical benefits of marijuana and work with Congress to pass common-sense laws, including safe banking for state-authorized companies.

Trump also reiterated his support for the legalization initiative on Florida’s November ballot, stating that he will be voting in favor of Amendment 3. The initiative aims to legalize personal amounts of marijuana for adults and establish a regulatory framework for the industry.

Trump’s support for marijuana reform comes as a surprise to some, given his previous stance on the issue. However, he has been increasingly vocal about the need to address the issue of marijuana criminalization and the benefits of legalization.

In a recent interview, Trump stated that he believes it is time to end needless arrests and incarcerations of adults for small amounts of marijuana for personal use. He also expressed support for implementing smart regulations and providing access to safe, tested products.

Trump’s comments have been welcomed by many in the cannabis industry, who see his support as a major step forward in the push for federal legalization. However, some have criticized his stance, pointing out that his administration did not take significant action to address the issue of marijuana criminalization during his time in office.

Despite this, Trump’s support for marijuana reform is seen as a significant development in the ongoing debate over the issue. It remains to be seen whether his administration will take concrete steps to address the issue, but his comments have undoubtedly added momentum to the push for federal legalization.