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Woody Harrelson Pushes for California to Allow Cannabis Dispensaries to Sell Food and Drinks

Actor Woody Harrelson is urging California Governor Gavin Newsom to sign a bill that would allow cannabis dispensaries to sell food and soft drinks alongside their products. Harrelson, a co-owner of the Woods cannabis lounge in West Hollywood, believes that this would be a major step forward for the industry, which is currently facing financial struggles due to excessive taxation and regulation.

In a video message, Harrelson emphasized that allowing cannabis dispensaries to sell non-cannabis items would not harm anyone and would actually help to create a more social and welcoming environment for customers. He also pointed out that the current laws are “crippling” the industry and that the bill would help to create “good jobs, high-paying jobs” in the commercial districts.

The bill, AB 1775, has already passed the Assembly and state Senate and would authorize local jurisdictions to allow licensed cannabis retailers to prepare and sell non-cannabis food and nonalcoholic beverages. It would also permit the cafes to host live music and other performances.

Assemblymember Matt Haney, the author of the bill, expressed hope that Newsom would support the legislation, citing the governor’s statement that the future happens first in California. Haney believes that the bill would help to create a more sustainable and competitive legal cannabis market, and would also help to bring back commercial districts that are still struggling after the pandemic.

Newsom has until September 30 to sign or veto the bill, which would go into effect on January 1.