
Maryland Doctor Warns of Severe Illness Linked to Chronic Marijuana Use

Chronic Marijuana Use Linked to Severe Illness, Maryland Doctor Warns

As cannabis legalization spreads across the country, a growing number of people are experiencing a severe condition linked to chronic marijuana use. Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS) is a condition that develops after using high concentrations of cannabinoids over a long period, and it’s sending people to emergency rooms in increasing numbers.

According to data from the Maryland Department of Public Health, cannabis-related emergency room visits increased by 53% in the state from 2022 to 2023. Recreational marijuana use became legal for adults in Maryland on July 1, 2023.

CHS sufferers often experience a range of symptoms, including stomach pains, migraines, nausea, and diarrhea. One TikTok user described a cycle of vomiting, showering, and sleeping, which would repeat every four to six months. Ron Buckley, a CHS sufferer, lost 30 pounds in two weeks due to uncontrollable vomiting and was only diagnosed after his THC levels were checked.

Dr. Chris Wilbert, an emergency physician at MedStar Health, notes that CHS is not as uncommon as people think, but it can be challenging to diagnose due to its misperception and the lack of tests. Wilbert says that patients often struggle to accept that their symptoms are caused by marijuana use, as they may have been using it to alleviate other health issues.

The Maryland Department of Health has launched a public health data dashboard to track the effects of cannabis use, which shows that the state has seen over 800 ER visits per month involving cannabis. The dashboard also reveals data on calls to poison control, youth and adult use, and various cannabis trends.

Dr. Wilbert advises people to be cautious when using marijuana and to take steps to alleviate symptoms, such as taking hot showers and staying hydrated. Buckley, who used marijuana for 20 years before developing CHS, warns that the drug has changed significantly over the years and that people should be aware of its potential risks.

As cannabis legalization continues to spread, it’s essential for people to be aware of the potential risks associated with chronic marijuana use, including CHS. With increased awareness and education, people can take steps to protect their health and well-being.