Indoor Cannabis Farms Consume More Energy Than All Outdoor Agriculture Combined

US Indoor Cannabis Farms Consume More Energy Than All Outdoor Agriculture Combined

A staggering revelation has emerged about the energy consumption of indoor cannabis farms in the United States. According to experts, these farms use more energy than all outdoor agriculture in the country combined, resulting in a significant and growing emissions footprint that often goes unnoticed.

The majority of cannabis grown in the US, a whopping 60%, is cultivated indoors, relying on artificial lighting and temperature control systems. This not only requires a substantial amount of energy but also generates a substantial amount of greenhouse gas emissions.

Evan Mills, a consultant at Energy Associates in California, warns that consumers are often misled into believing that indoor cannabis cultivation is environmentally friendly. “There’s a lot of greenwashing going on,” he says. “Consumers are led to believe that this is ‘nature’s medicine’ and that it’s ‘green’ in every sense of the word.”

The scale of energy consumption is alarming, with indoor cannabis farms consuming more energy than all outdoor agriculture in the US combined. As the demand for cannabis continues to grow, so too will the energy consumption and emissions associated with its production.