
Florida Conservatives Turn on Trump Over Marijuana Remarks

Florida Conservatives Criticize Trump over Marijuana Remarks

Conservative leaders in Florida have come out against Donald Trump, expressing discontent with his recent comments on marijuana use. The former President’s statements have sparked controversy among some of his traditional supporters in the Sunshine State.

Trump’s remarks, made during a recent interview, have been met with skepticism by many in the conservative community. His comments have been seen as a departure from his previous stance on the issue, which was more in line with the party’s traditional views on marijuana.

The backlash against Trump has been led by prominent conservative figures in Florida, who have spoken out against his comments. They argue that his remarks have undermined the party’s efforts to promote a more moderate stance on the issue.

The controversy has also highlighted the growing divide within the Republican Party over marijuana use. While some members of the party have come to accept the idea of legalizing marijuana, others remain strongly opposed to the idea.

As the debate continues to rage, it remains to be seen whether Trump’s comments will have a lasting impact on his political standing in Florida.